Sunday, May 18, 2008

Saturday May 17, 2008: Layouts, layouts and even more layouts...

Leslie F. was in town visiting so we grabbed a class on the Pier. It felt like old IFW times along the Hudson! I spent the day tweaking my layout and made some great progress with my drive (i.e., hips up to the sky with force after my break)

And here is another practice layout in which Jonathon described me as "lofting the most perfect layout"...

I totally choked our first catch attempt. Oftentimes, you practice, practice, practice to an empty catch trap and when it comes time to throw to a catch, spotting your catcher psyches the flyer out. As flyers, we must learn to focus on just our trick and let the catcher focus on his catch. In the end, we may or may not come together.

In these next videos, you'll hear Jonathon reminding me to just "fly my trick"...

We're getting closer and even clap hands on this one...

A huge thank you to Leslie & Lynne for cheering me on and taking the video!!!

Despite my early release, we finally made our catch. Our timing still needs work but we came together and took a moment in the air before letting go...

Effe is heading East tomorrow to run Trapeze in CT. Here's a parting shot of Beth, Effe & me after our class...

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