Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My Favorite Catch!

I started my Swing, Catch & Return workshop tonight. After 2 1/2 weeks away from our little rig in B'lyn, it was good to be home. Right away Dino knew I didn't bring my usual "oomph". He stood behind me on the Board - no longer holding my belt - but still softly telling me "I'm right here for moral support, Jen. You can do it."

I threw some practice swings, a few half turns, then it was time for catch & return practice. No video tonight. After being away, I just threw my split and even I'm bored watching that trick. It felt so good to be back throwing myself into Dino's arms...solid forearm lock every time and his confident words, "I've got you!"

Flyers fall a little bit in Love with every catch. Our Catcher may be married or single, gay or straight, male or female - it doesn't matter. Imagine being rescued from a fall by the strongest hands you can imagine; reinforced by the words "I've got you!" That's what it's like to be caught. We can't help but fall in Love. Sadly, it lasts a mere 30 seconds or so. One of two things happen:

1. We make our Return, which is way more exciting than the catch. Back in the air and full of possibilities, we leave our Catcher in the dust.


2. We fall gently into the net/mat, take off our safety lines and look up adoringly to see that our beloved Catcher has another girl in his arms. Bastard!!!

Circus Love is fleeting...but oh, it is so much fun!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

My ever expanding Circus Family

Jaded New Yorker that I am, few things ever surprise me anymore, but then I found Circus...I continue to be completely floored by the true sincerity, the tremendous kindness and the welcoming closeness that is the tight knit Aerial Arts world.

Last week found me in Newport Beach and Los Angeles for business. Never one to miss an opportunity to fly, on my only free night (and then again before my flight home) I stopped by Hollywood Aerial Arts and met owners Ray & Tania P. Upon hearing that I train out East on our little rig in Brooklyn as well as along the Hudson...I was welcomed with open arms and immediately made to feel at home. (And they say it's hard to find true friends in the "Land of Make Believe".) Meeting up with my best friend from Boston for a quick chat sure helps too!

It's always different flying on a new rig with a new instructor but it's also the best way to learn our art. A few things that were new to me...

- Carrying the safety lines up the ladder
- Ready, Set, HEP! (I'm accustomed to just Ready, HEP!)
- A Catch Cradle instead of a Catch Trap
- Catchers don't move out of the way of flyers. I had to straddle my force out to prevent a collision
- Person on lines calls the "HEP" for catches

The first time I threw my Split to Catcher Scott, distracted by the shadows beneath me, I totally blew the catch. Second time, I reached out and rather than a solid forearm lock, I had his biceps and slid down to a wrist catch. As mentioned, it takes a while for a catcher and flyer to sync up but Scott was a sweetheart and a lot of fun to fly with.

Ray worked the lines and gave me great insight into the various "spot" points of each trick.

I had the great fortune of taking two static classes with Eric N. an incredible talent as well as Cirque du Soleil alum. While I've worked a few positions on the static bar, I've only ever had one real lesson before. Eric is an amazing instructor and whenever I got overconfident and sassy (as I'm prone to do)...he'd throw a tougher position at me. I still have huge bruises from learning my back balance (i.e. balancing from my lower back on the static bar...very painful but VERY COOL!)

Eric choreographed a routine for me and we taped it at the very end of class, which was also the first time we put everything together. After 2 hours of flying and an hour of static, you can see my strength (couldn't get into my extreme rock-n-roll & had to slide into position) and form (on my split and tempos) failing me near the end.

It also didn't help that Eric kept changing and adding choreography throughout. I was thrown when we switched sides for Gazelle, Mermaid and rope turn. (It was ugly but I stayed on the Bar and offer up some hysterical & creative derriere shots as Eric tries to spot and film at the same time.) Then he added a front balance off the ropes immediately following my back balance (REALLY HARD to do). The one knee pose and finally ending with ankle balance. Sheeesh!

But we had an awesome time together! He tested how far he could push me and well, I love to be pushed! While there is so much I do that lacks grace...if you look closely, there are one or two moments of beauty. Maybe, just maybe, the Kid's got potential. I'm going to keep practicing...

I couldn't load the whole routine as a single video (it runs 10 minutes) but here it is in three parts. A huge "Thank You" to my wonderful "Tech Savvy" friends who helped me edit this video into smaller pieces.

10 Minutes!!! A marathon for an experienced aerialist and here I am a novice - always up for a challenge. In reality, I should be able to get the timing down to about 7 minutes. I'll continue to practice...smooth out my transitions and make the program my own.

If you get a chance, check out E! channel for their program "Sexiest Jobs in Hollywood". Hollywood Aerial Arts is featured as the #2 sexiest job in Hollywood for their Aerial acts performed weekly on the LA club scene. Or you can see the clip on their website http://www.hollywoodaerialarts.com

Here is my parting pearl of wisdom from Eric - applicable to life both on and off the static bar...

"Always save enough energy to get yourself out of...whatever you get yourself into!"

Sunday, September 9, 2007

"Circus is Scary and it Hurts!!! Suck it up or...

Go to the Art Barn."

(The quote originates from a instructor who worked the Trapeze program at kid's summer camp. The Art Barn was the destination of choice for the less adventurous. This saying has become our Mantra.)

This weekend about 30 of us traveled to the country for an Intensive Circus Aerial Arts Workshop in the Berkshires organized by Jeff & Dino. We arrived Friday evening, immediately went to the rig and flew for two hours. Saturday's schedule had us up at 8:00 am for flying & static trapeze, silks, & stretching till 8:00 pm. At least Jeff gave us 2 hours to rest and relax by the lake...10 hours of circus in one day was intense but we are a hard core group!!! Here are some candid shots of our group at the rig waiting a turn to fly...taping our rips...reviewing video..visualizing...stretching...working positions on the low bar...

Scott works the Safety Lines & Jeff yells instructions

Early Saturday morning I took my first warm up Swing of the day, climbed down and had the following exchange with Jeff.

Jeff: "OK Jen, next time up, take it out of lines."
Jen: "No!"
Jeff: "Yes!"
Jen: "NO!!!"
Jeff: "YES!!!
Jen: "NO Jeff!!! I'm NOT doing that."
Jeff: "Yes you are, Jen. Next time!"
Jen: "NO! I'm not ready. I am NOT flying out of lines."
Jeff: "Nobody ever thinks they're ready...but you're ready. Next time up...you're out of lines."
Jen: "NO I'M NOT!"

The conversation ended there. Each of us knowing full well that this battle would not be fought on the ground but rather on the shaky, wooden Board 35' above our heads. We went to our separate corners and prepared ourselves for the confrontation of wills soon to come.

My turn again and I quickly climbed up the ladder while Jeff was giving instruction to the previous flyer. Zane was working the Board and clipped on my safety lines. I've never seen Jeff climb a ladder as fast as he did to get up and fight with me. The following exchange took place while he was unclipping my lines...

Jeff: "NO LINES!!!"
Jen: "No Jeff, I can't."
Jeff: "Yes you can. You're ready. Trust me."
Jen: "Jeff, you KNOW I don't trust anybody!"
Jeff: "I know you don't trust anyone, Jen. But you can trust me."
Jen: "NO!"
Jeff: "Jen, it's OK. You can trust me."
Jen: "Jeff, I don't want to do this now. I'm not ready."
Jeff: "Jen, you can trust me. I won't ever let you do anything that isn't safe. You can do this. I'll hold your belt. I'm right here for you."
Jen: "Jeff...NO!"
Jeff: "Jen, I'm right here. I've got you. You can trust me."
Jen: (Huff!) "FINE...GIVE ME THE BAR!!!"

(Thinking: "HA! I'll show you. You're going to be sorry.") I jumped...far too pissed off to even think about being scared.

IT WAS AMAZING! I forgot about being mad and I wasn't scared at all. Flying felt strong and free and as natural to me as breathing in and out. It felt as if I'd been doing this all my life. I was home...this is how it was always meant to be. So beautiful...and so quite. I surrendered my whole self to the rhythm of the pendulum, the rush of the wind and the pure silence at Peak. The muted sounds of Jeff's calls from the Board and support from the ground seemed a million miles away. There are moments you remember all your life...I am keenly aware that this is one of those moments.

It was so much fun...I kept doing it again and again. Here's my second time and as you can hear, glory on the bar is fleeting...it's time to get back to work. In this clip you not only hear Jeff's instruction but also Joan, who came down from Montreal to help teach, calls out instructions. Having been an Aerial Artist and Instructor for over 20 years, Joan is incredibly talented.

In an earlier post, I describe Jeff as the "man in my life who calls me out on all my s**t". We share the same DNA personality traits. And if we were each other's twin, he was likely born 2 minutes and 43 seconds before me...hence, the big brother sincerity. On this morning, he knew exactly what I needed to hear and how to get me exactly where I needed to be. (But then again, he is a Lawyer.) He played me like a fiddle and now that I've tasted pure flight...I am forever changed.

Jeff & me Celebrating Success!
After two hours on the rig, it was time to head down to the Boathouse for two hours of Static Trapeze and Silks. First up, Instructor Bobby showed us several new skills on the Fabric. Bobby manages our little rig in Brooklyn and also teaches my trampoline body awareness class. An Aerial Artist himself, he's currently amid auditions with Cirque du Soleil. He'll be in Vegas next month for call backs. Good luck Bobby! Here's me flying on Silks...

(You can see Jeff's wife Elena in the background playing with Joan's son Alex. Jeff and Elena are expecting their first, a baby girl, in January.)

Then it was time for some Static Bar work. The bar is about 12' above the floor. Here's my Russian Star...

And here is one of the nasty truths of Trapeze...it hurts! In order to get into the Russian Star, one must succumb to one heck of a bar wedgie.

Suffering for my Art...

To Create a Moment of Beauty!

And here is my Flamenco...

Back at the rig, I worked my Cutaway. Hear Jeff yell at me for grabbing on to the safety lines "...Jen, you know better than that!"

I also threw my Split across to Dino. As usual, we made a great catch and our apron work was flawless. I was going to try for the return but Jeff yelled out "BAR!!!"; calling the timing for Tatiana on Board to drop the return bar. It startled me and totally threw off my 180.

Here's Danielle, Lidia and me waiting our next turn at the rig.

And here's Danielle, me and Catcher Jeff S. waiting in line for an afternoon snack.

We were up at 8:00 am again on Sunday for stretch, static, silks and flying until Noon. Then we headed back to the City.

Here's a few of the more memorable advice and comments overheard this weekend...

"The trick is just don't be scared."

"You call it screwing up...I call it fixin' it!"

"An Aerial Artist always remembers TTJ...Tits & Teeth to Jesus!"

"Hmmm, Nature. Yeah, this is really cute. Can we go home now?"

"I mean, you want to be nice to people but then he said he came from a Correctional Facility..."

Thursday, September 6, 2007

S.H.O.W. - Super High Output Workshop

Class Photo - Susie, me, Jeff, Dino, Allegra, Thais & Emily

Tonight was the first class of the Fall workshops at our little rig in Brooklyn. Jeff and Dino have designed the S.H.O.W. curriculum by building on the skills and tricks developed during our Spring & Summer Catch & Return Workshops and adding a touch of creativity. The program runs fourteen weeks and culminates in a Holiday show for family & friends. (Yes, that means another new costume!!!)

I started the night with a half hour on the trampoline to practice staying tight and improve body awareness in the air. I learned "swivel hips" which is...seat drop - 180 turn - seat drop - 180 turn...as many as you can. I managed five consecutive turns. It's pretty fun and a lot harder than it looks!

Then the real work began. It is so amazing to be back flying with Jeff & Dino...I absolutely love my Thursdays! I learn so much from these guys.

After what happened last Sunday, I was so filled with self-doubt about throwing my Split that I never even realized Dino wasn't holding my belt on the Board. I totally nailed my solo take-off and continued to do so all night long. It was as if I'd been doing unassisted take-offs all of my life. Everything just fell into place. (And oh yeah...I popped right into my Split without missing a beat!) Once again I am reminded...

"Things don't go wrong and break your heart so you can become bitter and give up. They happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you were intended to be."

I "GOT" my Cutaway tonight. My confusion on the back end was gone and I swept right up into the pike. I practiced patience and found just the right balance of power, grace and momentum on my break; learning to enjoy the free, floaty feeling as I completed the reverse layout. (Notice the loose safety lines...flying on my own power!)

Between you and me, I still kinda miss throwing all my power into the break. I think I was trying to do a double reverse layout which isn't really "catchable" but that rotation is REALLY, REALLY FUN!!!

No catching tonight...we just practiced our skills. Practice is Perfection!

Monday, September 3, 2007

"If there is no struggle, there is no progress."

I flew at TSNY last night with Amanda, my mentee and honorary "Baby Sister". She recently tested into one of the best schools in NYC; classes start tomorrow. We're all so very proud of her.

Since our IFW has ended and future IFWs are pending until TSNY can finalize their winter location, our Sunday night time slot has become a mixture of intermediate flyers and newbies. It's enjoyable to see the excitement on the faces of first time flyers - especially when they make their first catch - but it also really slows down class. We only get in about 5 or 6 jumps but try to get the most out of it.

Continued to work my Cutaway. It's ready to catch but as you can see, I still can't decide if I want to force out over the Board then pike or to just tuck up into the pike on the back end. In this video I throw a little too much power into my break and over-rotate but our beloved Hal on lines lets me down easy and keeps me safe. I particularly like my hand stand finale in the net. (You can hear fellow flyer Colleen giggling as she videos.)

In effort to work through my confusion...Hal suggested I throw a Half-turn which requires I practice my force out over the Board.

I'll need to try this with a twisty belt because the 180 turn in my regular belt leaves me tangled in the safety lines. (A twisty belt is a safety belt with a swivel which allows the lines to spin around with the flyer.)

Then it was time to try some catches. Jeff S. and I decided to work our Angel Return off my Split but as you can see...I totally fell apart up there. Couldn't even get into my Split.

In this video I still can't get into my Split and even crash into the Board on the back end. You can hear Hal down on lines saying "Whoa! What's going on?"

For numerous reasons...I was distracted...my head just wasn't in the game.

Success or failure on the bar has very little to do with the trick itself...it's the stuff you carry with you in your head that always determines the outcome.

In the words of my little nephew Benjamin, "We try again tomorrow..."