Sunday, August 5, 2007

Tonight was such fun...

...we all felt like we were drunk on Trapeze!!! (Figuratively, of course.)

Another Great Sunday Night IFW Crew!!!

It's hard to believe but tonight was the last class of our 2007 Sunday Night IFW. We spent the evening working our final tricks, catches and returns in preparation for our upcoming Circus Show. Yes that's right...I get to wear sequins again!!! And thankfully, no fractured vertebrae this Show so I'll be up on that flybar with my friends!!!

Come on down to Pier 40 this Friday night 8:15 pm - 10:15 pm and watch us fly. Arrive between 7:45 and 8:00 to secure a good viewing spot.

Instructors Hal, Frederique and Jeff S. work us hard but also bring a great deal of fun and positive energy to every class.

Jeff S. was up in the Catcher's Trap for four rounds tonight. We practiced each of our show tricks twice, tweaked our timing and worked our "STYLE". I'll be throwing my Split and Whip in the Show.

In order to maximize my height and power, I'll throw the tricks off a riser. A riser is a metal 2" x 4" placed several inches above the Board. My stance continues to be a bit off, particularly with a riser. Proper form would have me on my toes for take off - a challenge as I slowly regain feeling in my left foot.

While it may seem that our videos are a novelty made simply to delight and amaze our family & friends, their real purpose is to serve as a training tool. We use this footage to dissect our tricks and our timing; identifying what we do wrong so that we may correct, visualize and improve our performance.

A few things to look for in the first flat footed take off has me hesitant off the riser. Another example of tentative flying, my feet drop below my hips on my force out. (At front end Peak...the moment we feel a split second of body should be near parallel to the ground.) That's Tatiana working the Board and notice Rachel, next flyer up, practicing her "STYLE". And lastly, this is a great angle to see my big goofy smile during flight. Always smile to your Catcher!!!

No comments from the "Peanut Gallery" on tonight's background music. Yeah, I know what it sounds like and well, I'm at a loss. Last week we heard "Thriller" and it was Zeppelin before that. I don't have a say in the music, I just fly. In the next video, my force out is better but the return bar is still too early...

Next up is my Whip. I should hold the position parallel better and Jeff S. needs to call me off the bar a little sooner so I release above him and float down into the catch. It's all about the timing...

Here are a few action stills...

On the Board, pre-flight checks

Always smile to your Catcher!!!

Summer 2007 is just flying by. I truly hope yours has been filled with many great moments too...

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