Tuesday, August 21, 2012

"Something always brings me back to you....

...it never takes too long." Performed my new aerial silks routine in this show last Sunday. I also did a synchronized lyra routine and a trio act on chandelier. Grateful to have had my mum in the audience; her first time to see me perform live! Read my character's bio below:

Skylar Skuttlebutt is vice president for global business development and day-to-day operations leader for the data analytics sector at XYZ Company. She currently leads a TOP SECRET project (CodeName: MUNDANE) that is primed to exponentially increase the bureaucracy and complacency for earthbound organizations through the innovative utilization of spreadsheets. Rarely seen without her glasses or her datafiles, Skylar earned multiple degrees in advanced mathematics, statistics, aerial dance and aerospace exploration. Considered a rising star and the heir apparent to lead XYZ Company - after all the "good ole boys" croak or 2085 whichever comes first - her once passionate, adventurous Spirit is bruised by the weight of innumerable (& inane) corporate restructuring, "profitability enhancing" cutbacks and that nasty, stock plummeting AG investigation into the sibling company back in 2004. Though she can no longer see the Sky through the Stars, Skylar still comes into work every day - for nearly a quarter century now - carrying the Glitter of Hope that Good really does Prevail and Dreams become Reality.